Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello...do you hear me?


Welcome to my first blogpost! Thanks for reading, and I hope we can be companions on a journey together towards hearing the voice of God more clearly. I've entitled this blog "Hello....do you hear me?" to represent the voice of God, although I must say it is quite a good title for my first blog as I send this out into the world wide web, which truly has become exactly that. I believe He is constantly trying to speak to us, but we miss him because 1) we don't know what His voice sounds like, 2) when we do hear Him we doubt, 3) we don't want to hear from Him, 4) we are basically self-consumed or self-centered in our day to day lives.

I would like to de-mystify what it means to hear God. How? By deliberately seeking His voice and sharing my experiences with you. This is a journey. So let's get started.

Day 1:
I started my time, through prayer and singing a few songs on the guitar. As I was finished singing, focusing on my words, I sat in silence and felt prompted to open up my bible and came to the verses we were instructed to meditate on this week from our house church meeting on Sunday, John 15: 1-15.

The verses that impacted me were, "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love." Did you get that? Wow. Do you ever read something in the bible and it impacts you, almost like the words themselves are highlighted in yellow or remain in your head like a one of those pesky internet ads that won't go away? Well, this is exactly how I felt when I read, "Now remain in my love."

What does it mean to remain in His love for me? Well....to me it means the same as "Stay with me." It's like living in a bubble of God's Presence where ever you go....on the subway, to the grocery, in your car. Yes, the Holy Spirit is always with us, but do we invite Him for the ride? It also says to me, "Don't go alone." Isn't that comforting. It's like God saying, "I want to come along for the ride. Let's go together.... Let's go together to your job interview....Let's go together to the DMV....Let's go."

It also means that we don't allow other things to remain with us.....Anger...pity...pride....impatience. It means we listen to our Friend as we go here and there, seeing the world and our circumstances through the lens of faith.

The first song I sang this morning was, How He Loves. Have a listen. Hear the words. He loves you and wants to be with you always! Can you shout it from the mountain tops? Yes, I believe. I choose to believe in the miraculous love, the amazing love, the unfathomable love of our Father. Yes, He loves ME...and HE LOVES YOU!

I'd like to leave with you one other verse that impacted me this morning and from which I have chosen the name for my blog: Radiantfaith,

I sought the LORD and he answered me;
He delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant,
their faces are never covered with shame."
-Psalm 34:4-6

May you be ever Radiant as you continue to look to our Father and follow His voice!



  1. Liz, you abide in our love. Torre and Jean

    1. Hi Torre and Jean! Thank you for reading my blog! I love you both!
