Do you struggle with being still and hearing from God? Today I'd like to share with you how I spent time with God this morning. This exercise requires a little bit of time, so if you are skimming this or in a rush, I recommend that you come back later when you have more time. You might want to read this before you start. Once you're done, I'd love to hear from you.
1) Go to a quiet place.
2) Close your eyes.
2) Sing a worship song that comes to mind.
3) Breathe. Listen. Keep your eyes closed for a few minutes. Allow yourself to relax and be still.
4) Let your mind wander as you sit in silence. Pray as worries and people come to mind. When you're done praying for one person or situation, pray for the next person or situation that comes to mind. Pray trusting prayers. Acknowledge God's goodness, supremacy, and power. Allow the stillness to calm your heart. Release your prayers and your burdens as you pray.
5) Ask God what He wants to tell you today? Listen. Write it down. Don't over think it. Just write what you hear. Thank God for speaking to you.
What did you hear?
Here is what I heard: I love you, Liz. You are my daughter. I am in the stillness. There is none like me. I am in control. I will carry your burdens. Do not be afraid. I am with you always.
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