Yesterday during house church, someone asked for prayer to discern where God was sending him in the mission field. He and his wife had visited several different cities abroad and were uncertain about where they should go. While praying on his own he discerned that God was telling him not to go to one particular city. Hearing God clearly speak to him in this way was surprising and he said he didn't know what to do with what he heard. Hearing this, I recommended that we pray as a group and hear from God together.
I've learned from experience that God often speaks through corporate prayer. As concerns are lifted up, God will reveal things through different people using the gifts he has given them. In our group one person has a gift of discernment, another often sees images when praying for others, another has prophetic gifts, another tongues, and I have a gift of intercession.
Praying together with others who use their spiritual gifts is a powerful experience. I am always awed by the way God speaks through each person but in perfect unity, like a perfectly orchestrated symphony. One person may discern, "I sense God will lead you and make this clear to you." Another may say, "I see an open door." Another may pray over unmentioned hardships or struggles. Yes, each voice or petition or discernment is powerful, but together they form the most magnificent symphony.
Are you struggling to hear from God about something? Who can you reach out to in your faith community to help you discern God's voice?
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