Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's been a while...

Hello. It's been a while. So much has happened since my last post so let me sum it up. We moved. We just didn't move in the same city or in the same state or time zone, but we MOVED cross country. And by moved I mean an amazing cross country car trip from frigid New York to always sunny California!

Yep. The deferred dream that I alluded to in one of my prior blogs...well...it came true. Rather, God fulfilled it. You see, I had wanted to make this move for the past ten years, and yearned, wrestled, and prayed that I would happen...and it finally did! Hallelujah!

You know that dream you have in your heart? That dreamed locked up in a treasure chest? Well, God sees it! In the bible it says that we have a good heavenly Father who wants to give us good gifts. He's not gonna pull a bait and switch on you, or withhold the things in your heart because you are not good enough or because He can't or won't. He's not like that. He wants the absolute best for you, which sometimes....okay usually... does not make sense.

One "aha moment" in my faith journey occurred when I realized that I actually do not know what is best for me. You heard me right. I do not know what is best for me. At that time I was young-er and struggling to meet the right Mr. to make me a Mrs. And, honestly, after that "aha moment" and I fully submitted to God's will for me, God brought my Mr. into my life.

Submitting to God's will is choosing to believe that He is greater, stronger... all the omni words: omnipotent, omniscient, omni-present...you get the point. Try kneeling before God. There's no better way of reminding yourself that God is God and you are not. He does know best. He is the Great I AM. So, yes, he knows what is best for you.

The question is: will you choose to trust in His love for you and choose to believe that He knows what is best for you? Please don't doubt His love for you! Jesus did it all--He demonstrated His love for you. Dying for you. Yes YOU.

So keep asking, praying, waiting. Will you choose to trust that His love is bigger and broader and stronger than your wildest dreams?

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