Today Is the day...
Do you hear His voice calling you?
He's knocking.
And waiting.
He's been waiting for you since the beginning of time. Waiting for you to see Him and recognize that He's always been with you. Even when you felt so alone. Even then. Even now.
The great I AM.
Calling you.
Take one step.
I'm knocking, don't you hear me?
I want to embrace you.
I want you to know me.
Don't be afraid.
See what I have already done for you.
My hands.
My side.
My life.
For you.
Yes you.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Help! I'm in a rut!
I've been in a bit of a rut lately to be honest. Not feeling much excitement about seeking God's face or spending time listening. Like a stubborn child I moped. I grumbled. I did things half-heartedly. On Sunday we meditated on Proverbs 3:5-6 and I had some serious soul searching to do, searching my heart to see if it was truly open and available to trust in God. You see I, like you, have hopes and dreams in my heart for certain things, things which I have tucked away in a treasure chest in my heart. Is it wrong to have a treasure chest of hopes and dreams? I don't think so, but I'm pretty sure God wants full access to what's inside the treasure chest. Not only that, He wants full access to our hearts. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with most of your hopes and dreams, but God wants to be #1. He wants to be the -I will sell everything I've got for Him treasure. The I don't care about anything else treasure. The I will be complete when I have Him treasure. He wants to fill our hearts and push out worry, fear, anger, disappointment, and everything else that is not from His kingdom, and make our paths straight! Amen and Hallelujah!
So what's holding you back from giving God your hopes and dreams?
So what's holding you back from giving God your hopes and dreams?
Thursday, July 18, 2013
How your smart phone can help you hear God's voice
Lately, I've felt a hunger to read God's Word. I had become lazy and failed to fill up my spirit with God's Word on a daily basis. Although I had read the entire bible using a daily plan, I feared making a commitment and the constant failings of missed readings and long catchup sessions. Lo and behold----the Bible app! About two weeks ago I signed up for "The Bible in a Year" on You Version, and I have been loving the daily prompts to read the Word and the ease with which I can do it. I can read it anywhere and anytime with just a few taps on my smart phone. Awesome! So, for those of you out there needing to dip into God's Word, why not read along with me? The clearest way to hear God's voice is in His Word!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
The value of looking to spiritual markers
The other night I started to look through a workbook I borrowed from my in-laws called Experiencing God as Couples by Henry T. Blackaby. In it Henry Blackaby writes, "When God gets ready for you to take a new step or direction in His activity, it will always be in sequence with what He has already been doing in your life." He goes on to talk about looking to spiritual markers in your life to help you discern God's leading. I kinda like to think of spiritual markers as those piles of stones you see on hikes, pointing you in the right direction toward your destination.
For my husband and I, God has used this workbook as a spiritual marker today. Let me explain. About a year and a half ago, a couple that we knew in ministry asked my husband and I for pre-marital counseling. We were shocked and humbled, to say the least, that this godly couple had asked us to help them prepare for marriage. We had no credentials or degrees or experience in doing this...none whatsoever, but we prayerfully lifted this up to God and waited. To our astonishment, He confirmed that He wanted us to do it. So we prayerfully created some topics to discuss with them, and stepped out in faith. Each meeting we prayed that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide our time with them, and all I can say is WOW. God met us each time, revealing His presence, and showed my husband and I how to work as a team. His gifts and my gifts were like a symphony, complementing and working in perfect unity together. We could do nothing but give God the glory for the miraculous ways he moved and worked in us.
After that amazing experience we began to wonder if God has a special ministry to couples in our future. To make a long story short, several months ago we began a major apartment room change and organization project. Living in New York City, our space is extremely tight. We chose to do this to maximize our space for our family and also to make it big enough to host more groups for ministry in our home. Our project included making our master bedroom into our living room, our living room into our dining room, our office into our bedroom, and our hallway into a large office/storage area! If your head is spinning just thinking about it, imagine what it was like for us! We had to sell furniture, including our beloved king size canopy bed, and add a gazillion bookshelves to our walls, but we are now in the final stages of getting our apartment together. Thank God!
This morning right after I had prayed for guidance in writing this much overdue blog, my husband called and I told him how much I wanted to order the DVD set and go through the Experiencing God as Couples workbook with him. As I looked into buying the set online and thought about the topic of this blog, the spiritual markers suddenly became clear. We can use our bigger living space and invite other couples to go through the workbook together! Wow, thanks God!
How about you, what are the spiritual markers in your life? Where might God be directing you?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
For my husband and I, God has used this workbook as a spiritual marker today. Let me explain. About a year and a half ago, a couple that we knew in ministry asked my husband and I for pre-marital counseling. We were shocked and humbled, to say the least, that this godly couple had asked us to help them prepare for marriage. We had no credentials or degrees or experience in doing this...none whatsoever, but we prayerfully lifted this up to God and waited. To our astonishment, He confirmed that He wanted us to do it. So we prayerfully created some topics to discuss with them, and stepped out in faith. Each meeting we prayed that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide our time with them, and all I can say is WOW. God met us each time, revealing His presence, and showed my husband and I how to work as a team. His gifts and my gifts were like a symphony, complementing and working in perfect unity together. We could do nothing but give God the glory for the miraculous ways he moved and worked in us.
After that amazing experience we began to wonder if God has a special ministry to couples in our future. To make a long story short, several months ago we began a major apartment room change and organization project. Living in New York City, our space is extremely tight. We chose to do this to maximize our space for our family and also to make it big enough to host more groups for ministry in our home. Our project included making our master bedroom into our living room, our living room into our dining room, our office into our bedroom, and our hallway into a large office/storage area! If your head is spinning just thinking about it, imagine what it was like for us! We had to sell furniture, including our beloved king size canopy bed, and add a gazillion bookshelves to our walls, but we are now in the final stages of getting our apartment together. Thank God!
This morning right after I had prayed for guidance in writing this much overdue blog, my husband called and I told him how much I wanted to order the DVD set and go through the Experiencing God as Couples workbook with him. As I looked into buying the set online and thought about the topic of this blog, the spiritual markers suddenly became clear. We can use our bigger living space and invite other couples to go through the workbook together! Wow, thanks God!
How about you, what are the spiritual markers in your life? Where might God be directing you?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Monday, June 3, 2013
It's raining today
...and I'm waiting to hear Your voice. The rain is a reminder of your constant provision to water the earth, to cleanse what is dirty, and restore life to that which grows. Mostly I'm annoyed by the rain. I'm annoyed that my clothes get wet, and that the sky is gray. I want sunshine and blue skies always, and never the rain. Yet our planet needs the rain, just as I need a fresh anointing of Your Spirit.
Lord, fill my parched soul with the refreshing rain of Your Spirit. Cleanse my heart. Heal what is broken. Let no crevice in my being remain unfilled by You. Open my eyes to see You, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus, for Your everlasting love for me demonstrated on the cross. You suffered for my sins, my shortcomings, my bad attitudes, my grumbling, my jealousy, my apathy, my brokenness, my dirtiness, my JUNK. You suffered for the joy of defeating death, defeating sin, and defeating the power of darkness. You died for me and even though I do not deserve it you have proclaimed that I AM YOURS and that YOU ARE MINE!
I pray for all who are reading this. I pray for God's divine anointing on you at this very moment. I pray that the waters of God's healing and forgiveness would wash away the pain, the depression, the anger, the bitterness, the hate, and bring complete healing in Jesus' name. I pray for freedom in Jesus' name! I pray that the eyes of your heart would be opened to know God's great love for you through Jesus. Yes, Lord, come in power. We need you.
Lord, fill my parched soul with the refreshing rain of Your Spirit. Cleanse my heart. Heal what is broken. Let no crevice in my being remain unfilled by You. Open my eyes to see You, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus, for Your everlasting love for me demonstrated on the cross. You suffered for my sins, my shortcomings, my bad attitudes, my grumbling, my jealousy, my apathy, my brokenness, my dirtiness, my JUNK. You suffered for the joy of defeating death, defeating sin, and defeating the power of darkness. You died for me and even though I do not deserve it you have proclaimed that I AM YOURS and that YOU ARE MINE!
I pray for all who are reading this. I pray for God's divine anointing on you at this very moment. I pray that the waters of God's healing and forgiveness would wash away the pain, the depression, the anger, the bitterness, the hate, and bring complete healing in Jesus' name. I pray for freedom in Jesus' name! I pray that the eyes of your heart would be opened to know God's great love for you through Jesus. Yes, Lord, come in power. We need you.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Good Morning God
Good morning, God.
This morning I'm thinking of the song I heard on the radio with the lyrics, "Tell me who I am to you."
God, remind me who I am to you.
(Listen) What do you hear?
I hear: Beloved daughter, the one I love.
I'm listening, God. Who do you want me to pray for?
(Listen) What do you hear?
I hear: Pray for those who don't know me. (Pray)
Pray for those who are hurting. (Pray)
Come to me with your own burdens. (Pray)
Water of Life, come fill me up. Show me your face that I might see You. Thank you, Lord.
This morning I'm thinking of the song I heard on the radio with the lyrics, "Tell me who I am to you."
God, remind me who I am to you.
(Listen) What do you hear?
I hear: Beloved daughter, the one I love.
I'm listening, God. Who do you want me to pray for?
(Listen) What do you hear?
I hear: Pray for those who don't know me. (Pray)
Pray for those who are hurting. (Pray)
Come to me with your own burdens. (Pray)
Water of Life, come fill me up. Show me your face that I might see You. Thank you, Lord.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Hearing Together: The Role of Community in Discerning God's Voice
Yesterday during house church, someone asked for prayer to discern where God was sending him in the mission field. He and his wife had visited several different cities abroad and were uncertain about where they should go. While praying on his own he discerned that God was telling him not to go to one particular city. Hearing God clearly speak to him in this way was surprising and he said he didn't know what to do with what he heard. Hearing this, I recommended that we pray as a group and hear from God together.
I've learned from experience that God often speaks through corporate prayer. As concerns are lifted up, God will reveal things through different people using the gifts he has given them. In our group one person has a gift of discernment, another often sees images when praying for others, another has prophetic gifts, another tongues, and I have a gift of intercession.
Praying together with others who use their spiritual gifts is a powerful experience. I am always awed by the way God speaks through each person but in perfect unity, like a perfectly orchestrated symphony. One person may discern, "I sense God will lead you and make this clear to you." Another may say, "I see an open door." Another may pray over unmentioned hardships or struggles. Yes, each voice or petition or discernment is powerful, but together they form the most magnificent symphony.
Are you struggling to hear from God about something? Who can you reach out to in your faith community to help you discern God's voice?
I've learned from experience that God often speaks through corporate prayer. As concerns are lifted up, God will reveal things through different people using the gifts he has given them. In our group one person has a gift of discernment, another often sees images when praying for others, another has prophetic gifts, another tongues, and I have a gift of intercession.
Praying together with others who use their spiritual gifts is a powerful experience. I am always awed by the way God speaks through each person but in perfect unity, like a perfectly orchestrated symphony. One person may discern, "I sense God will lead you and make this clear to you." Another may say, "I see an open door." Another may pray over unmentioned hardships or struggles. Yes, each voice or petition or discernment is powerful, but together they form the most magnificent symphony.
Are you struggling to hear from God about something? Who can you reach out to in your faith community to help you discern God's voice?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Prayer as peaceful as a deep slumber
Lately, as I have endeavored to listen to the voice of God, I have experienced prayer in a whole new way. Listening has caused me to slow down and, well,... listen. In the past prayer meant closing my eyes, rattling off my prayers, and finishing with a definitive amen. Now I tend to pray more internally and allow my mind to relax. You might be thinking, "But what about the distractions that come to mind?" Well, the best way I can describe this type of prayer is focused listening prayer. I focus on entering God's presence and listening. As thoughts and worries or people come to mind I pray about them or the circumstances surrounding them until I feel a quiet peace about it. Then I wait until something else comes to mind and pray again. If a scripture comes to mind, I accept it as a word from God. If a song comes to mind, I sing it.
You might be wondering, "Well how does this type of prayer work when praying with others?" The other day I experienced the most beautiful time of prayer with my friend Maria. We waited in silence for a few minutes before praying and as one of us was led we began to pray. Holding hands we prayed for each other and waited. I could feel the grasp of her hand in mine as we lifted up our concerns to our heavenly Father. Then after our words had ceased, we sat in the most beautiful silence. It was like being asleep, and I could not feel the grasp of her hand. At some point I realized our prayer would have to end, but I didn't want it to. When the doorbell rang I slowly finished our prayer, before getting up.
When I returned from going to the door, Maria and I discussed what we had just experienced. She, too, said that she did not want our quiet prayer to end, and said, "Liz, did you feel how we could no longer feel our hands? It felt like our hands were gyrating!" God was clearly present.
Sometimes, I think fear drives us to rattle off prayers, whether alone or in a group. Could it be that waiting and listening during prayer causes you anxiety that causes you to fill the space with words? Maybe you're afraid God won't speak to you in the silence or have been taught that this is how you pray. Perhaps you don't truly believe that God wants to speak to you. Whatever your reason, how about giving listening prayer a try? You might find that giving space for God to move is truly rest to your soul.
You might be wondering, "Well how does this type of prayer work when praying with others?" The other day I experienced the most beautiful time of prayer with my friend Maria. We waited in silence for a few minutes before praying and as one of us was led we began to pray. Holding hands we prayed for each other and waited. I could feel the grasp of her hand in mine as we lifted up our concerns to our heavenly Father. Then after our words had ceased, we sat in the most beautiful silence. It was like being asleep, and I could not feel the grasp of her hand. At some point I realized our prayer would have to end, but I didn't want it to. When the doorbell rang I slowly finished our prayer, before getting up.
When I returned from going to the door, Maria and I discussed what we had just experienced. She, too, said that she did not want our quiet prayer to end, and said, "Liz, did you feel how we could no longer feel our hands? It felt like our hands were gyrating!" God was clearly present.
Sometimes, I think fear drives us to rattle off prayers, whether alone or in a group. Could it be that waiting and listening during prayer causes you anxiety that causes you to fill the space with words? Maybe you're afraid God won't speak to you in the silence or have been taught that this is how you pray. Perhaps you don't truly believe that God wants to speak to you. Whatever your reason, how about giving listening prayer a try? You might find that giving space for God to move is truly rest to your soul.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday's here... but Sunday's comin!
The title of this blog is one of my favorites for Easter. I heard Tony Campolo preach more than ten years ago about a "preach off" he had with another minister at an African-American church. "Friday's here...but Sunday's comin" the other minister said in a deep rumbling voice. Friday's here...hardship, poverty, confusion, war, suffering, pain...but Sunday's comin.
Today as I think about Easter, I find it hard to dwell on the suffering of Christ. My mind tends to gloss over all the horrific details of what he endured and to fast forward to his exultant resurrection. Good Friday comes each year without so much as a few prayers before the details of Easter: the dinner, the egg hunts, and festivities take over. "Christ the Lord is risen today" is sung with joy and exultation, as it should be, but have I really understood the resurrection of our Lord without stopping to consider his crucifixion?
In the same way, I wonder if we actually understand the deep significance of "Sunday's comin" for ourselves. As the preacher preached, whatever you are facing right now, no matter how difficult or painful, belonging to Jesus means that He has a glorious end plan for us. Yes, heaven awaits us, but somehow everything we experience and endure is an important piece in God's plan for us and our world. Did you get that? Your life is an important piece in God's great redemptive plan for the world!
When Jesus suffered and died for us, He bridged the great impenetrable chasm between us and God. Our lives are connected to the greatest love story ever. Nothing should be glossed over or disconnected, yet we often think in those terms. We think, "God is up there and I'm down here." "God, where are you?". We think and see in small disjointed pieces and we forget the glue: Jesus.
This Easter, my prayer is that you would think about Jesus' suffering as part of your own love story and that you would think about your life as part of God's great love story. It's all one reality. We are connected to the Father, He is in us through His Spirit because of the love of the Son, and Easter is actually your story too.
May you be ever radiant in the knowledge of Jesus' love for you.
Today as I think about Easter, I find it hard to dwell on the suffering of Christ. My mind tends to gloss over all the horrific details of what he endured and to fast forward to his exultant resurrection. Good Friday comes each year without so much as a few prayers before the details of Easter: the dinner, the egg hunts, and festivities take over. "Christ the Lord is risen today" is sung with joy and exultation, as it should be, but have I really understood the resurrection of our Lord without stopping to consider his crucifixion?
In the same way, I wonder if we actually understand the deep significance of "Sunday's comin" for ourselves. As the preacher preached, whatever you are facing right now, no matter how difficult or painful, belonging to Jesus means that He has a glorious end plan for us. Yes, heaven awaits us, but somehow everything we experience and endure is an important piece in God's plan for us and our world. Did you get that? Your life is an important piece in God's great redemptive plan for the world!
When Jesus suffered and died for us, He bridged the great impenetrable chasm between us and God. Our lives are connected to the greatest love story ever. Nothing should be glossed over or disconnected, yet we often think in those terms. We think, "God is up there and I'm down here." "God, where are you?". We think and see in small disjointed pieces and we forget the glue: Jesus.
This Easter, my prayer is that you would think about Jesus' suffering as part of your own love story and that you would think about your life as part of God's great love story. It's all one reality. We are connected to the Father, He is in us through His Spirit because of the love of the Son, and Easter is actually your story too.
May you be ever radiant in the knowledge of Jesus' love for you.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Listening Prayer
Yesterday at 8:15 in the morning I met with some friends to pray. Harried, after dropping off their kids to school and some toting along youngsters, we sat at my kitchen table over mugs of steaming coffee to chit chat and share prayer requests. This morning, the prayer requests were not unusual. There were, what seemed like, constant distractions from late arrivers, the rustling of coats, and a Berenstain Bear's cartoon in the background, but in the midst of this God spoke.
In the last few years I have come to understand the power of praying with others. Have you ever prayed with someone who knew exactly how to pray for you? Have you ever felt the time was anointed in some way? Well, that's exactly what happens when you pray with others who are listening to the voice of God. Some believers may see images, some may hear bible verses, some may speak in tongues, some may feel the burden others carry, some may feel God's heart for others, some may have words of knowledge or wisdom, or some may simply know how to pray. For me, my gift is hearing words to pray. Can I sometimes pray without listening to God's prompting? Sure. But if I stop to listen, I often know exactly what to pray. I simply open my mouth and the words just start flowing out.
I'm grateful for this group of women who strive to listen to the voice of God. I know that whenever I pray with them, God shows up. Are there people in your life who listen to the voice of God when they pray? If you're seeking answers or just plain needing prayer, how about calling together other believers to pray? No matter what distractions surround you, begin with listening, and prepare to be amazed!
In the last few years I have come to understand the power of praying with others. Have you ever prayed with someone who knew exactly how to pray for you? Have you ever felt the time was anointed in some way? Well, that's exactly what happens when you pray with others who are listening to the voice of God. Some believers may see images, some may hear bible verses, some may speak in tongues, some may feel the burden others carry, some may feel God's heart for others, some may have words of knowledge or wisdom, or some may simply know how to pray. For me, my gift is hearing words to pray. Can I sometimes pray without listening to God's prompting? Sure. But if I stop to listen, I often know exactly what to pray. I simply open my mouth and the words just start flowing out.
I'm grateful for this group of women who strive to listen to the voice of God. I know that whenever I pray with them, God shows up. Are there people in your life who listen to the voice of God when they pray? If you're seeking answers or just plain needing prayer, how about calling together other believers to pray? No matter what distractions surround you, begin with listening, and prepare to be amazed!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Doing what you can with the little you've got
Today I'm thinking about how small things can mean a lot. I'm thinking about how a text message to a friend, a decision to say "Have a nice day!", or a choice to reach out to a neighbor can brighten someone's day. This morning when I dropped off my girls at school, a school safety patrol student opened my car door to let the girls out and said, "Have a nice day." before closing my car door. Just that small gesture made me feel just a bit happier. When I posted on Facebook that I missed the mountains in Utah, my friend Heather took a picture of the mountains outside her living room window and posted it. It still makes me smile just thinking about it.
What makes you smile?
Sometimes when I am praying for someone I will sense that I should send him/her a text message. It takes 10 seconds (depending on how fast you text). Ten seconds to show someone you care and are thinking or praying for him/her. If you're not a texter, how about sending a card? A friend of mine will send cards with little cards inside with words of encouragement. You know the ones... pictures of dogs, cats, or rainbows. Many times they are tracts with pre-printed messages. More often than not, the messages hit me hard and speak a word I desperately need to hear. A dear friend of ours once preached, "You, be the one". Be the one to reach out, smile, lend a helping hand, serve, or say "I'll do it." But being "the one" doesn't have to be something big.
Just think of the boy who had a few loaves and fishes. Think of how many people he helped feed with his small offering. That's the amazing thing about God's Kingdom. God can take small offerings and use them in powerful ways for His Kingdom. How can you "be the one" today?
What makes you smile?
Sometimes when I am praying for someone I will sense that I should send him/her a text message. It takes 10 seconds (depending on how fast you text). Ten seconds to show someone you care and are thinking or praying for him/her. If you're not a texter, how about sending a card? A friend of mine will send cards with little cards inside with words of encouragement. You know the ones... pictures of dogs, cats, or rainbows. Many times they are tracts with pre-printed messages. More often than not, the messages hit me hard and speak a word I desperately need to hear. A dear friend of ours once preached, "You, be the one". Be the one to reach out, smile, lend a helping hand, serve, or say "I'll do it." But being "the one" doesn't have to be something big.
Just think of the boy who had a few loaves and fishes. Think of how many people he helped feed with his small offering. That's the amazing thing about God's Kingdom. God can take small offerings and use them in powerful ways for His Kingdom. How can you "be the one" today?
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Finding Stillness In the Hubub of Life
Do you struggle with being still and hearing from God? Today I'd like to share with you how I spent time with God this morning. This exercise requires a little bit of time, so if you are skimming this or in a rush, I recommend that you come back later when you have more time. You might want to read this before you start. Once you're done, I'd love to hear from you.
1) Go to a quiet place.
2) Close your eyes.
2) Sing a worship song that comes to mind.
3) Breathe. Listen. Keep your eyes closed for a few minutes. Allow yourself to relax and be still.
4) Let your mind wander as you sit in silence. Pray as worries and people come to mind. When you're done praying for one person or situation, pray for the next person or situation that comes to mind. Pray trusting prayers. Acknowledge God's goodness, supremacy, and power. Allow the stillness to calm your heart. Release your prayers and your burdens as you pray.
5) Ask God what He wants to tell you today? Listen. Write it down. Don't over think it. Just write what you hear. Thank God for speaking to you.
What did you hear?
Here is what I heard: I love you, Liz. You are my daughter. I am in the stillness. There is none like me. I am in control. I will carry your burdens. Do not be afraid. I am with you always.
1) Go to a quiet place.
2) Close your eyes.
2) Sing a worship song that comes to mind.
3) Breathe. Listen. Keep your eyes closed for a few minutes. Allow yourself to relax and be still.
4) Let your mind wander as you sit in silence. Pray as worries and people come to mind. When you're done praying for one person or situation, pray for the next person or situation that comes to mind. Pray trusting prayers. Acknowledge God's goodness, supremacy, and power. Allow the stillness to calm your heart. Release your prayers and your burdens as you pray.
5) Ask God what He wants to tell you today? Listen. Write it down. Don't over think it. Just write what you hear. Thank God for speaking to you.
What did you hear?
Here is what I heard: I love you, Liz. You are my daughter. I am in the stillness. There is none like me. I am in control. I will carry your burdens. Do not be afraid. I am with you always.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Musings of Wind and Rustling Leaves
This morning I was led in prayer to John 3: 1-8
3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.[a]”
4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”
5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You[c] must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”[d]
Nicodemus was a man who came to see Jesus in the cover of darkness. He was compelled by questions. Questions that stirred inside of him into a whirling storm of belief, doubt, and wonder. His heart longed to know who Jesus was. Who was this man that healed the sick, fed thousands, spoke boldly in the temple, and caused such sickening hatred among the Pharisees? Yet, even they knew there was something special about him.
Sometimes I will sit and look out my bedroom window as I still myself to hear from God. As I gaze at the tree outside, I watch as the leaves bounce up and down in the breeze and I often think, "That is how God's Spirit moves." I don't see the breeze coming. I don't see where it ends. I only see the bobbing of leaves and hear the rustling of it's movement as it passes by.
Such is God's Spirit. It is unpredictable. We can't see it, but we can hear it and see the rippling effect as it passes by. Jesus says, "you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. "Did you get that? "you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going." In other words, I cannot know all the answers and see the full picture before I respond.
It's in allowing to be moved that we can say, "Yes, did you see how God moved!" Sometimes God's voice is a nudge, "Go there. Talk to that person". Sometimes it's a stronger wind, and sometimes it's a full forced tornado.
The questions is: Are you willing to be pliable to God's nudge? Do you hear him nudging you hear the wind blowing? Are you willing to accept that "you cannot" know all the "whys" or "hows" and respond to His Spirit?
Friday, February 22, 2013
A morning chat with a neighbor
This morning as I was sitting in God's presence and wondering what I would write about, I felt inspired to talk with other believers about how they hear God's voice. I thought of my neighbors downstairs, a renowned theologian and his wife. Since Gordon has written many books about theology, I thought he would be the perfect one to ask. I was eager to hear what he would say.
I prayed, "Lord, do you want me to talk to my neighbor?" and I heard "Yes". As soon as I heard this, all kinds of excuses began to fill my mind, including a desire to simply be lazy, but I could not stop thinking about following this prompting no matter how much I tried. I asked God, again, whether I should go downstairs, and when I heard "Yes" a second time, I got up, descending the stairs, and knocked on my neighbors' door. To my surprise, he was not home, but his wife Maudine was home so, after a moment of indecision, I asked if she had a few minutes to chat. (You might notice that I did not actually ask God if I should speak with Gordon, but with my "neighbor". )
To give a little background, Maudine is a quiet, quick-witted woman, who has deep and insightful perspectives on scripture. Although her husband, Gordon, is the author of many books on theology, she is his trusted "editor" helping him to refine his writing.
When I asked her how she hears God's voice, she shared that she hears God through His Word. She and her husband had just completed reading the bible from cover to cover out-loud. Each day, they would take turns reading the daily scriptures and discussing what they had read.
Maudine also shared how she had once felt God's leading in writing something, but had second guessed herself. As she spoke about her manuscript I immediately saw the value in what she has written about and encouraged her in her writing, requesting to read her manuscript and meet with her again to talk about it. Maudine replied, "You are very encouraging. I'm so glad you came to chat. God must have prompted you to come."
I prayed, "Lord, do you want me to talk to my neighbor?" and I heard "Yes". As soon as I heard this, all kinds of excuses began to fill my mind, including a desire to simply be lazy, but I could not stop thinking about following this prompting no matter how much I tried. I asked God, again, whether I should go downstairs, and when I heard "Yes" a second time, I got up, descending the stairs, and knocked on my neighbors' door. To my surprise, he was not home, but his wife Maudine was home so, after a moment of indecision, I asked if she had a few minutes to chat. (You might notice that I did not actually ask God if I should speak with Gordon, but with my "neighbor". )
To give a little background, Maudine is a quiet, quick-witted woman, who has deep and insightful perspectives on scripture. Although her husband, Gordon, is the author of many books on theology, she is his trusted "editor" helping him to refine his writing.
When I asked her how she hears God's voice, she shared that she hears God through His Word. She and her husband had just completed reading the bible from cover to cover out-loud. Each day, they would take turns reading the daily scriptures and discussing what they had read.
Maudine also shared how she had once felt God's leading in writing something, but had second guessed herself. As she spoke about her manuscript I immediately saw the value in what she has written about and encouraged her in her writing, requesting to read her manuscript and meet with her again to talk about it. Maudine replied, "You are very encouraging. I'm so glad you came to chat. God must have prompted you to come."
Thursday, February 14, 2013
God is my shepherd...
This morning I'm meditating on a new song that was introduced to our group on Sunday, "The House of God, Forever" by Jon Foreman. Have a listen while you're reading the lyrics.
How about closing your eyes and making the words of the Psalm your own? The words are actually quite radical. Can you believe that God is your shepherd? Yes, you! Allow yourself to believe the words and you might find your fears, sorrows, and loneliness comforted and healed by the love of our heavenly Father.
How about closing your eyes and making the words of the Psalm your own? The words are actually quite radical. Can you believe that God is your shepherd? Yes, you! Allow yourself to believe the words and you might find your fears, sorrows, and loneliness comforted and healed by the love of our heavenly Father.
God is my shepherd
I won't be wanting
I won't be wanting
He makes me rest
In fields of green
With quiet streams
Even though I walk
Through the valley
Of death and dying
I will not fear
'Cause you are with me
You are with me
Your shepherd staff
Comforts me
You are my feast
In the presence of enemy
Surely goodness
Follow me
Follow me
In the house of God, forever
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Don't You Know I've Always Loved You
Yesterday as I was sitting and waiting to hear from God, I asked, "Lord, what do you want to tell me today?" This is what came to mind, "Liz, I love you-and have loved you before the beginning of time." As I wrote down those words, a vague feeling came over me that those were lyrics from a song. I didn't know the name of the song, the group who sang it, or any of the lyrics but opened up my computer and typed, "I love you before there was time" into the search engine box. Within a few moments I found the song: "I've Always Loved You" by Third Day.
This is a song that my husband and I used in a video we showed at our wedding reception. I'm sure you've seen similar videos with images of the bride and groom growing up and then beginning their lives together. Well, that's exactly how this song was used. At the time, my brother chose the song, and I'm not sure I even knew who sang it then.
After listening to the song, I immediately downloaded it and have listened to the song maybe 15 times in the last day. The lyrics have ministered to me, even in silents moments when the song was not playing, like a quiet whisper in my ear:
"Don't you know I've always loved you, even before there was time."
Meditating on those words...really listening...has been a healing balm to my spirit. Images from my childhood scroll in time to the music, as if I am seeing my entire life played to a soundtrack.
Don't you know I've always loved you, even before there was time."
Clearly God intended for me to hear this song. I've needed to hear, ached to hear, these very words.
Here is the link, if you'd like to listen to the song.
This is a song that my husband and I used in a video we showed at our wedding reception. I'm sure you've seen similar videos with images of the bride and groom growing up and then beginning their lives together. Well, that's exactly how this song was used. At the time, my brother chose the song, and I'm not sure I even knew who sang it then.
After listening to the song, I immediately downloaded it and have listened to the song maybe 15 times in the last day. The lyrics have ministered to me, even in silents moments when the song was not playing, like a quiet whisper in my ear:
"Don't you know I've always loved you, even before there was time."
Meditating on those words...really listening...has been a healing balm to my spirit. Images from my childhood scroll in time to the music, as if I am seeing my entire life played to a soundtrack.
Don't you know I've always loved you, even before there was time."
Clearly God intended for me to hear this song. I've needed to hear, ached to hear, these very words.
Here is the link, if you'd like to listen to the song.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Baby Steps Toward Joy
Have you ever experienced a powerful time of worship and clearly heard the voice of God? I remember when I was about 14 years old hearing God calling me to go up to a microphone at a Christian camp during our campfire. I heard him insistently calling me, but I had no idea what he wanted me to say and was terrified of responding. I remember sitting there with my heart pounding, saying, "I can't" to God. This would be the first of many times that I would say to God, "I can't" or "I don't want to God." For many years I have felt that because I have closed my ears to God, afraid of what he might tell me, that I don't hear him as clearly as I might. It all boils down to something I remember saying to someone in my youth group in high school, "I want to be a Christian, but I don't want to be THAT kind of Christian." By "that" I meant sold out, which in my mind meant "a little crazy" because even at that time I knew that not only was God real, but that he would sometimes show up and do things and ask things that were scary and unpredictable.
I wrote several blogs ago about meeting Kenny, a homeless man that I had known many years ago. It might seem from that blog that I am a bold or super spiritual person. Well, I'm not. For that one time I stopped and spoke with Kenny, there were probably hundreds of times in New York City that I have walked by a homeless person saying, "Please God, please don't tell me to talk to that person." It's the honest truth.
So, where am I getting with all this? Well, listening to the voice of God AND responding is a journey I am on. The more I listen AND obey, the more I hear. In my heart I want to say, "God you can count on me. I'm listening." But there are a lot of "but"s..."but not if...", "but not now....", "but I don't feel like it". How about you? I suspect if you are reading this that I am not alone. Now that this is established, I want you to know that you are not alone either.
What now? Well, how about trying baby steps? That's the path I'm on. I take a small step of faith with other believers. I might think, "That person seems like she might need prayer. God, do you want me to ask her if she would like prayer?" I might hear "Yes." and ask the question again and receive another "Yes." Then, I might ask her, "Would you like me to pray with you?". She may or may not answer '"yes", but most times, I do find that there is confirmation that I was hearing correctly. Other times, I have to have faith and trust God and leave it. It's scary, yes, but the more I take these baby steps instead of finding rejection, anger, or confusion, I find great unpredictable joy. It's not just happiness, but deep, deep joy in being used by the Father.
What about you? How might God be calling you? Are there small opportunities for you to take a baby step of faith and respond to the voice of God? If you don't know, ask God and be ready for what he wants to tell you.
I wrote several blogs ago about meeting Kenny, a homeless man that I had known many years ago. It might seem from that blog that I am a bold or super spiritual person. Well, I'm not. For that one time I stopped and spoke with Kenny, there were probably hundreds of times in New York City that I have walked by a homeless person saying, "Please God, please don't tell me to talk to that person." It's the honest truth.
So, where am I getting with all this? Well, listening to the voice of God AND responding is a journey I am on. The more I listen AND obey, the more I hear. In my heart I want to say, "God you can count on me. I'm listening." But there are a lot of "but"s..."but not if...", "but not now....", "but I don't feel like it". How about you? I suspect if you are reading this that I am not alone. Now that this is established, I want you to know that you are not alone either.
What now? Well, how about trying baby steps? That's the path I'm on. I take a small step of faith with other believers. I might think, "That person seems like she might need prayer. God, do you want me to ask her if she would like prayer?" I might hear "Yes." and ask the question again and receive another "Yes." Then, I might ask her, "Would you like me to pray with you?". She may or may not answer '"yes", but most times, I do find that there is confirmation that I was hearing correctly. Other times, I have to have faith and trust God and leave it. It's scary, yes, but the more I take these baby steps instead of finding rejection, anger, or confusion, I find great unpredictable joy. It's not just happiness, but deep, deep joy in being used by the Father.
What about you? How might God be calling you? Are there small opportunities for you to take a baby step of faith and respond to the voice of God? If you don't know, ask God and be ready for what he wants to tell you.
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